The Big Picture
Library Resource Toolkit
This Library toolkit is intended to support Fellows in their Community Engagement work. Here, there will be details on our principles, practices, and tools for your work.
June 2023 Cohort Norms
We commit to being flexible to others’ time, space, and processes.
We commit to walk the talk, stand up for ourselves and others in the name of common good.
We commit to learning and unlearning.
We commit to welcome, acknowledge, and process conflict.
We commit to remembering that inclusion means including all perspectives
We commit to being okay with agreeing to disagree
We commit to understanding someone’s why
We commit to embracing each other with empathy and compassion (over profit)
We commit to listening
We commit to seeking first to understand and then be understood
We commit to struggle with our ego and expectations
We commit to drawing our own lines and respecting our own and others’ boundaries
Move For
Together We Can.
The goal of our fellowship and work as part of Move for Americas mission is to become leaders that pave way for innovation, trusted relationships within communities and cultures.
Along with this we have a set of agreed upon goals and expectations for each other:
What is Community Engagement?
The process that seeks to engage diverse and divergent community voices to achieve long-term and sustainable well-being for all community members, through equitable decision making processes, deepended relationships, discourse, and implementation.
On Tuesday August 2nd one of our host sites, Camdentown, hosted Minneapolis' National Night Out event with the help of this years fellow Emily.
Pictured from left to right:
Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey, Houston White, Emily, Libby, April Riordan.
C(ommunity): Acknowledge differences in thinking and behavior as well as cultural and ethnic diversity to ensure respect and dignity.
A(ccountability): Take responsibilities for your actions and impact on others by using skills to prioritize community needs.
R(espect): Be confident in your ideas while understanding alternative perspectives.
G(rowth): Continuously strive to expand community knowledge from using mistakes as learning opportunities.
O(penness): Use open communication and take risks that include hard conversations about long term solutions.
Who is Community Engagement for?
In our community engagement work its important we can identify the two stakeholders.
Individuals & groups most impacted by issue
faith based groups
racial, ethnic, & cultural groups
institutions; schools
See more content here!
Individuals in power
hold all the power for policy and decision making
government officials, businesses, leaders.
Think of the Bigger Picture - What is the successful outcome?
We build cohesive communities
improved results
ensures communities have accessibility and empowerment
assists local governments in promoting sustainable decision making
See more content here!
Communication & Conflict
There are four types of communication styles - direct or indirect & expressive or restrained.
Direct conflict includes: face-to-face resolution, precise language, persuasion through resizable argument.
Indirect: rely on outside parties, discretion in voicing goals, "talking around" disagreement.
Expressive: overt emotions, expansive vocabulary, sensitive to constraints.
Restrained: disguised emotions, internalizing, sensitive to hurting feelings.
Skills for communication building:
Mirroring helps support the speaker by establishing presence & supports the listener by focusing on listening/description.
Summarizing includes
See more content here!
Incorporating Asset Framing
Asset-Framings goal is to give your primary mind a fuller set of information and associations when decision making.
How can we move from deficit framing? Deficit framing: defines people by their challenges , assign negative qualities to certain groups, and creates cynicism.
Therefore in our community engagement work we should be sure to define people by their aspirations, match positive qualities and create hope.
See more content here!
Professionalism can look different depending on the workplace and your team. Its important you understand the expectations of your host site. Our basic expectations are to respect our team, regularly participate, and maintain responsibilities.
Working from home or remotely may have different professionalism expectations:
meetings via zoom or call - Work in quiet settings either home or in public
- actively participate and contribute
- Complete assignments on time
Office work expectations may include:
Working at your host site everyday
Arriving on time
Don't be distracting - be mindful of others
Display positive behavior at work that encourages others
See more content here!
During this session, you brainstormed in pairs the villain you'd like to explore. Everyone took turns presenting their villain of choice explaining why they are just simply misunderstood characters. You can access the full presentation here.
During this session, you discussed the benefits and concerns of working from home and what it looks like to work productively from home and maintain balance.
You also explored how to increase your productivity, meet deadlines, and overall better manage your time in and out of the physical office. Access the full presentation here.
Friday Fellows
This session is all about 'Whats Next'? How can Move for America set you up for success in your next career step?
During this session, you explored the types of career roles you like, learned effective ways to network, and how to identify future career opportunities.
View the slide deck here.
View the zoom recording here. *Passcode: F@%z4nGy
You may reach out to your AmeriCorps Leader to the AmeriCorps Member Help Line: 1-800-94202677 regarding any questions or concerns about benefits.