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Onar Ireland-Hance

Capstone Project

Onar completed her capstone project by partnering with Urban Strategies Heritage Park.

About Urban Strategies

Click here to learn more about Urban Strategies (specifically the Heritage Park branch) and their community-building efforts. 

What Onar Did

"Through Urban Strategies, I worked as a summer program coordinator. This summer program essentially was a drop-in drop-out program for kids to come and play with activities and things we brought. They could come and play basketball or play a board game or draw. As a summer program coordinator, I was in charge of the teams who were meant to be running everything - and through this, I got to know a lot of kids. I also ran the food shelf through Urban Strategies on Saturdays and got to meet a lot of the adults of the neighborhood through that." 

Main Projects

For her culminating capstone project, Onar compiled a Spotify playlist comprised of songs recommended by campers in her program. 


Click here for a link to the complete playlist.


"Heritage Park definitely feels a lot like a community to me. As someone who is a white American, with a lot of ethnic background in Europe, I never really felt like I had a community or culture to call my own. So it was hard for me to truly understand the community aspect of Heritage Park until I looked at it through the lens of music.” 

Listen to the Playlist

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