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Career Connections

Below, you will find a breakdown of the various ways in which all sorts of different majors might use the training received as a Move for America Fellow to be a part of making things better. 

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rry! This list will be updated over time, so if yours isn't represented, check back soon or contact so we can discuss possibilities with you and answer any questions! 


How does my career in Architecture match me to Move for America?

Every building has a purpose, and a plan. Sometimes, these are the same, but other times they are at complete odds, or worse, a structure’s intent doesn’t serve the people it was built to serve. It has been proven in less physical areas that when we build with communities rather than for them, things flourish and grow. The same is true of spaces and those who inhabit them. On the flip side of the coin, sometimes people may say they want or need something that is impossible from a technical or monetary standpoint. Here in lies the complexity but also importance of community service—learning to listen and build according to need while also communicating and asking questions about  what can be done in situations where ability and need collide. This will inevitably lead to fuller lives, more cohesive communities and individuals who find a new useful space where there was none before.



How does my career in Communications match me to Move for America?

Every group holds a tapestry of stories, braided together to form a whole voice, a voice of place and/or shared purpose. But we live in a world of many voices, flying  far and fast. In a digital age where there is great ability to shout, communities are often drowned out or actively ignored. In communications work, you have a unique ability in that you are able to deliver information in a clear, compelling manner and facilitate helpful discussions. This means that not only can you aid in elevating otherwise marginalized voices, but you can also reach communities in ways that work for them when someone might have important updates to share. This, in turn, can lessen the divides between communities, as well as relationships with organizations trying to interact externally.

Community Service

How does my career in Community Service match me to Move for America?

When people think of service to a community, they might think of social programs and policies, material contribution or mediation between organizations and individuals. In truth, however, aid can be as multifaceted as the definition of community itself, varying greatly based on those involved, the setting/context and the current events at hand. 



How does my career in Education match me to Move for America?

Every school is a community unto itself, so by entering into this kind of environment, you are primed for impact. But no school exists alone. They are often part of larger communities, be it of fellow schools or neighborhoods, not to mention socioeconomic and other groups that cannot be defined by location or activity alone. Students carry with them certain aspects of their communities as well, and while many might be the same geographically, many more will carry what they learn farther afield. An important aspect of this work, then, is to be open and aware of all the identities and cultures you might encounter so that they can be accepted, celebrated and held in concert with each other. As a side effect, when all feel seen and heard there is habitually less tension, which means a better environment for all no matter whether in learning or play. Finally, having someone who can communicate among groups with differing interests both internally and externally, particularly between communities or organizations coming from entirely different viewpoints or intentions, can be vital!


How does my career in Law match me to Move for America?

Law is often fraught with discussions and differences of perspective, which makes it an excellent place to be a part of building bridges and assisting both individuals and communities. Move for America arms its fellows with tools for deepening understanding and speaking with people no matter their viewpoint, and this can be an excellent accompaniment to formal training for courts or other areas of civic law. Courts also often serve as nexuses for a plethora of divides, as well as intersecting experiences that legal attention might be able to tangibly improve when seen through a comprehensive view that accounts for complex factors.


Medical Field

How does my career in the Medical Field match me to Move for America?

Medical degree holders are uniquely positioned to witness the ways in which life circumstances and overall health intersect. Every patient is their own individual person, yes, but what commonalities might exist between people coming from the same communities? And what can be done about the factors that might be contributing to the reasons said people enter your care? For you, community service may look like asking questions so that you can be informed in a wholistic way, along with being aware of any programs that might overlap in a helpful manor to both decrease your work and increase the quality of life for those you serve.


How does my career in Politics match me to Move for America?

Depolarization and community service come together in innumerable ways, but politics may be among the most visible. As someone working in government, you may wish to champion a particular cause, program or bill, and being able to find common ground with others may be one of the most powerful tools with which to accomplish your goals. Doing so in the community as well as with fellow lawshapers will help gain you support and understanding at all levels, and active listening will help you ensure that your work and the needs of those you serve are closely aligned. This fellowship has a suite of trainings that go into how one can understand opposing views and work with them in productive, respectful dialogue, as well as touching on things like conflict styles and clear communication tactics that will help you further any cause, and that means anything you do in an attempt to help your community will have less obstacles in its path.


Social Work

How does my career in Social Work match me to Move for America?

In many ways, social work’s very goal is bridgebuilding—giving people access to the programs and services designed to help them thrive. Coming at this from a community lens means that there is more likelihood of realizing when these programs are failing for specific groups, and naming the barriers in place between what is needed and what is currently possible. Whether people are unable to reach the help offered or the systems in place need adjustments themselves, listening and learning from the intersecting groups you might encounter as a social worker will position you to strengthen bridges that might otherwise be unsteady and actively participate so that you can build them with enough depth and direct impact to last.

The Sciences

How does my career in Science match me to Move for America?

Whether prioritizing what to research next, deciding how a solution is implemented or responding to a survey, communities can have a major impact on any scientist’s career. If consulted, they can sometimes provide additional lenses through which to interpret data with greater comprehension and context, and the resulting work, in turn, can often be distributed back to communities to aid in understanding themselves, improve quality of life or provide new insight on long-standing sources of strain or damage. If entered into with openness, this exchange has great potential to better both your field and the groups of people you may impact. 

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